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The Jean Swainson Foundation is a new non profit organisation set up to empower people to build a positive, self-reliant future for themselves and New Zealand.


Primarily we seek to promote education and other purposes beneficial to the community through training and teaching programmes.


In particular, the Trust:

  • creates programmes that inspire and educate children and other vulnerable groups of society.

  • creates programmes that support early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary educational outcomes for all children.

  • creates programmes that provide education and support to the wider community.

Jean Swainson was a single mother raising three children who struggled with the balance of work and raising family. She was passionate and relentless around education for her children. Her children were fortunate to have someone in their lives so dedicated to homework and learning. Later in life Jean continued to care for many children. This foundation has been started in her name to honour her efforts and her passion for children. 


The Foundation was set up and is run by Jean's son Cam Swainson-Whaanga.

The Jean Swainson Team

Cam Swainson-Whaanga

TV Producer Cam has worked in Television for fifteen years. He is great with kids and has a wide technical skillset. He is adamant that our children need new skills to meet the jobs of the future. Cam manages the Foundation and teaches our coding classes in between running his TV Production Company, Solutrean Media.

Anna Brown

Anna's career spans 17 years in IT Support and management within law, broadcasting (radio & TV) and large enterprises.


Anna's mission is to assist community and kaupapa driven initiatives with access to digital solutions. We are very lucky to have Anna to manage our technical development and teach coding classes to tamariki.

Liz Donnelly

Liz is a Children's Media Expert with 20 year's experience in TV production and broadcasting. She has come on board to develop and manage our projects in between running her educational media company, The Eardrops Company.

Vinnie Vivace

Vinnie is a top Lead Technical Developer and we are so lucky to have his expertise in the area of VR/AR and app development. 



Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

© 2019 by Jean Swainson Foundation

Call us:

+64 21 55 80 61

Find us: 

5 Paul Street, Wairoa

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